Energy Efficiency

Save Energy

As much as half of the energy used in your home goes toward heating and cooling, so when it comes to saving on your utility bills, a great place to start is by looking at ways to reduce energy demand from your heating and cooling system.  It’s common for an average household to stare at an enormous energy bill every month. And when times are tight, dealing with such a high energy bill can be really difficult. Luckily, if you’ve decided to reduce your energy bill once and for all, there are plenty of things you can do without having to move. To help you, we’ve come up with 5 most effective ways to save on your energy bill.

Add Attic Insulation

According to some reports, an average home loses most of it’s heat through the attic. This can be the case because heat rises and when there’s not enough insulation in the attic, your heat simply escapes. In order to prevent heat from escaping your home, you’ll likely want to add more attic insulation. Luckily, there are some inexpensive but effective insulation materials you can opt for. For example, fiberglass insulation or mineral wool insulation are both options you can’t go wrong with in North Idaho. Moreover, installing more insulation shouldn’t be too difficult and many home owners are able to do it themselves.

Install a Smart Thermostat

When trying to reduce your energy bill, installing a smart thermostat is a great idea. This little thing can help you set the exact temperature you want in your home, which means you won’t be wasting energy at all. What’s so great about smart thermostats is that you can connect them to your mobile device and control them wherever you are. So, if you decide to install one of these, you’ll be able to turn heating on once your shift ends which is a much cheaper alternative to leaving your heat on while you’re not home.

Get a Low-Flow Showerhead

If you know a thing or two about green gadgets, you’ve probably heard about low-flow showerheads. If you get one of these, you’ll be able to reduce your household’s water consumption significantly. And this won’t only do wonders for your energy bill but it’ll also help you reduce your carbon footprint. The best thing about having a low-flow showerhead is that you have a feeling that you’re using just as much water as you usually use. In case you have a habit of staying in the shower for too long, you can get a low-flow showerhead with a timer.

Turn to Experts

Plenty of modern-day homeowners are trying to reduce their energy bill and you can now turn to experts who can manage your energy needs for you. This can turn out to be an amazing idea, especially since they’ll review your bill regularly in order to understand it better and help you reduce it. Also, experts can help you compare energy providers and make sure you get the best energy deal possible. Leave comparing to the experts and you’ll manage to save both time and money.

Go for LED Bulbs

It seems like more and more homeowners are deciding to ditch standard incandescent bulbs and replace them with LED bulbs and there are numerous reasons why they do so. First of all, LED bulbs use much less energy than standard bulbs which is a huge plus. And not only this, but they also tend to last much longer and if you decide to go for these, you’ll have to pay less visits to your local home supply store. Due to how popular LED bulbs have become, you can now get these in any shape and color you want.

Follow these 5 ways and you’ll be guaranteed to save on your energy bill. On top of this, you’ll be helping preserve the environment which is something we all have to aim at.